" This morning I got a wonderful e-mail from a graduate. Since just yesterday someone considering one of our courses asked me if I had any "Testimonials" from our students and graduates, I decided to put a few of them together.
Here is the very special e-mail I got this morning:
I just wanted to send this email because I honestly feel this way and have never expressed it. I cannot believe and have always been amazed at the fact that you are always involved and care about your graduates, no matter how long ago or how they did in your course. You just constantly promote them, encourage them, and support them. You don't just take their money, graduate them, and then send them on their way. You are there for folks like me long after they are finished paying you but still wanting your wisdom. That kind of continued mentorship is beyond any company, school, etc., that I have ever experienced. I thank you for all that you did, continue to do today, and I hope will continue to do."
Linda Andrews wrote: Recently we had one student who made a PERFECT score on that very difficult Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) exam that few new graduates of other schools are able to pass. She got 400 out of 400.
"I just wanted to let you know I passed the CCS exam today with a score of 400!!!!! The exam was intense and I'm so glad it's over. I would just like to say thank you very much for the education I received!"
Linda Andrews wrote: One of our graduates described her first weeks on the job. She learned that many graduates from other schools have more than $12,000 in debt, PLUS interest, and they were not completely satisfied with the education they received, particularly the quality of the instructors teaching the course. She made sure they knew about The Andrews School, so they can recommend Andrews to their friends.
Here are a few other messages from graduates, and one from a current student. The first one is "over the moon" about her new job.
"I have to tell you, Linda, I will be a Coding Specialist. I'm going in coding everything, Profee and facility since it is all housed in the hospital. They said I got all of the CPT questions correct (there were 50) and all of the E/M except for one trick question. They, it was a two person interview, kept talking about how well I did, much much better than coders with years of experience. Anyway, they asked me what I was looking for as far as pay and I honestly had no idea (in my head I was thinking 12-14 an hour since I have no coding experience) and told them that. They asked ME if 21 dollars an hour was okay!! And this is a remote employee position that also pays overtime, which was stipulated in the offer letter!!! I am over the moon!!"
From our school message board:
"I am done and I also got a job!
The most beautiful word in the English language: Done.
I am done. When I started I did not realize how hard the course would be.....but I am glad it was hard and I am glad I got through. I remember thinking when I first registered with Andrews School that I was not sure if it was the best choice because it was not an accredited school. Now I know that it was the best choice. So those of you who have just started and are wondering if you made the right choice, relax...you are in the best place. When it gets too hard....keep going. Just keep on going. Whine a little bit here and there and then get back to figuring out those codes, one by one. One day you will be able to type the word "Done" and it will feel soooooo good. Good luck to all of you. It is hard but very very worth it. Just want to encourage all those still working."
"I just wanted to share the news that I got a job at the hospital I have worked for in transcription for many years. They hired me as an ER coder. I start next Monday. I will train about 3 days and then work from home. I am excited to get a little experience under my belt and then take my CCS in December and then watch out world, here I come. Thank you Andrews School, Thank you Linda, Thank you Glenda, Thank you Debby and the other instructors. Thank you for my new career. I can do this!"
"Yeah!!!!! Congratulations to all of us new graduates. I also want to share with you all that I have been in a coding position since February. It's an amazing field. You are only touching the tip of the iceberg, believe me. Everything we learned here at Andrews has been helpful. So happy to see the words NEW GRADUATE!"
"I am loving the job. You are right! The day zips by. It's great! I LOVE this company and the people so much. I feel very very spoiled compared to my old job."
"On a more serious note, I could not be happier with my choice of a coding course. Andrews has been wonderful so far!"
I'm doing good. My first client is all labs. My second is ancillary coding, which I like better because no two charts are the same. Ever. Everyone has been so encouraging and supportive. I'm learning Cerner too, which I prefer to 3m. You're right, we're spoiled :) "
"Just a quick check in to say hi and see how everyone is liking their new jobs. I absolutely love what I'm doing. I'm working two for two different clients now and the day just zooms by. Employed as Remote Coder."
"I have to say - I am totally loving my new job! The people I am working with are super helpful and relaxed. If I had one piece of advice for people working through the course - ACCURACY, ACCURACY, ACCURACY!"
"With my present assignment, I'm on initial review, which means I'm limited to coding 20 charts, until I have two days of 95% accuracy or better. That puts a crimp in the hours I can log, but I started off at 91.95% last week while I was still learning to use the program, and had a 96.97% day yesterday. If I do it again today, I can code till my eyes bleed and make up my hours. I am stoked about that."
"Color me employed! Had a really comfortable interview/chat. I'll be getting the acceptance letter next week, then will be set up with a laptop and program. Flexible 40 hour week with full benefits after 90 days. Had to stop doing the happy dance long enough to let y'all know."
"Linda, Glenda, Debbie, Sue and everyone thank you for the rigorous course. It made the testing seem like a practice exam. :)"
On Facebook:
"Happy 25th Anniversary Andrews!!!
I am confident now telling people Andrews is the way to go. And for all of the older people on the fence about whether to start a course or not......I turned 60 the day I finished the program and got my first coding job. The 14 months of studying was one of the hardest but also one of the most rewarding of my life. I now have new energy to face the next 6 years before I get to retire. I look at those years differently now. I am excited to get up each morning. My job is a dream job. I love it. I cannot wait to get to the next case and code it. When it is time to clock off, I would actually rather go to the next case.
I remember the time of making the decision of whether to go with Andrews or not. On their anniversary I would just like to say.....HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY......AWESOME SCHOOL......JOB WELL DONE ANDREWS! .... and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! "
I will add to this list from time to time.
Linda Andrews, Director
The Andrews School