Exciting new recent changes are happening in offices throughout the country. There is a movement back to the dynamic and productive “Team” approach rather than each individual working only with their own best interests in mind. In the “new and improved” office model, each member of the team works individually as well as collectively to achieve the goals of the organization. In a medical office the goal would be to reach highest possible level of patient care, with the team being rewarded appropriately for the work they do. It’s a team effort!

In this environment you’ll want your work to contribute to the overall success of the organization. That means you will need skills that allow you to work effectively with other team members. Of course you’ll want your work to attract attention, but for the right reasons and at the right time, without causing disruption or conflict with other team members. We’ll help you do that.

The advanced-level Medical Administrative Assistant must know how to fill-in for other office personnel at times, so they have to know how to do each of those jobs better than the people who hold those positions. The Medical Administrative Assistant may occasionally be responsible for cross-training personnel without causing anyone to feel as if their job may be threatened by having someone else in the office trained to do it. That takes diplomacy, another skill necessary for an effective Medical Administrative Assistant. We’ll work on that throughout the course.

One vital skill for a Medical Administrative Assistant is recognizing what is and isn’t their responsibility. An office manager in one clinic might make certain decisions that are only made by physicians in other offices. You clearly want to take on all of the responsibilities assigned to you plus a few extra duties that can’t be planned for. You don’t, however, want to overstep the boundaries of your particular organization.

So while the Medical Administrative Assistant needs nerves of steel, she also has to be organized, focused, flexible, diplomatic, and have a high level of energy. When done well, a career as a Medical Administrative Assistant can be highly rewarding. That is what we want for our Andrews graduates.

Call or e-mail us today for more information or if you have any questions. 405-721-3555 or linda@andrewsschool.com if you prefer to write. When you do, let us know how you heard about The Andrews School medical career training programs.